Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 46: Num 6:1 - 7:67

In the first part of this passage, we learn about the Nazarene vow. God wants His people to be specifically consecrated to Himself and this is a great picture of that. God doesn't want us to just be like everyone else and just serve Him when things are going bad or when  it's Sunday. God wants us to separate our lives so that it's absolutely clear who we serve. There are alot of people out there who want God as some sort of "fire insurance," but they don't actually want to have to alter their lives in order to follow Him. God wants us to be willing to give up whatever He tells us not necessarily because those things are bad, but because He wants to make sure that He's number one in our lives no matter what.

- Lord, help me to consecrate myself to You. It's easy living in this world to end up becoming just like everyone else, but I know that You require more of me. Help me to keep Your Word in my heart and always be mindful of what You are telling me to do. And I pray that You help me to be willing to give up whatever You want me to give up regardless of whether or not it's a sin. Thank You for setting Your people apart and giving us what it takes to be a light in a dark world. -

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