Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 64: Deut 16:22 - 20:2

In this passage, we see a few times where God expresses very plainly that if someone or something is a cancer to the tribe, that they or it should be destroyed as soon as possible. That's exactly how it should be with our lives when there's something cancerous in our spirits. God doesn't want us to deal with it or see if we can fix it or turn it around, He wants us to destroy it. This concept is especially difficult with relationships. So many times people have certain relationships in their lives that are bringing them down away from God, and as much as we would rather just try to change the other person or somehow "fix" the relationship, we must realize that perhaps the only way to take care of it is to kill the relationship and let God take care of it. We serve an absolute God and His very nature requires that He demand absolute obedience.

- Father, Help me to be absolutely obedient to you when You ask me to make sacrifices. Even when I think I've got things under control, help me to ignore what I think or feel and just listen to what You're saying. I would rather lose everything I have here and be in right-standing with my Heavenly Father than hold on to something that could end up destroying my relationship with You. -

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