Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Day 61: Deut 6:25 - 9:29

The first part of this passage really spoke alot to me about how God chooses His people. First, God reminds them exactly what they're supposed to do and then he reminds them why He chose them. I think there are alot of people out there who think that they have a call from God on their lives because they've got some sort of special talent or because they're really smart or have alot of money. The truth is, God doesn't care about any of that stuff. The thing that gets God's attention is our heart. It's so easy living in this secular world to forget that and think that God is going to "rate" us the same way the world does. We try to impress God or try to show up other Christians because we think that God makes His decisions on insignificant, skin-deep factors. The bottom line is, if we want God's favor, we have to seek Him, and only then will we see the blessings that He has for us.

- Father, help me to keep my heart in the right place. Lord, it's so easy to get caught up in the rat race, always trying to impress others or trying to impress You, but I want to get out of that race and just put my eyes on You. I know that You favor comes when I will be faithful and love You, and I chose to make that my goal in every aspect of my life. -

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