Sunday, October 19, 2008

Day 65: Deut 21:1 - 23:25

In these verses, Moses goes back over simple common courtesy rules and regulations. To be honest, this is definitely one of those places in the Bible where it's somewhat difficult to get a whole lot of content to write about, especially since it's basically a review from Moses to the Children of Israel. I guess the one thing I could bring back up is God's genuine concern for our day-to-day lives. God isn't just concerned with the "big picture," He wants to have a hand in everything we do no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. God wants our whole lives, not just the life we live on Sunday morning and Wednesday night. God wants us to think about Him even when we're all by ourselves and nobody is around to see what we're doing. I think in a nutshell, these passages are really all about integrity - the way you act when there's nobody watching. There are only certain levels of human accountability that we can live under, but God wants us to always be accountable to Him in everything we do.

- Lord, help me to remain accountable to You in everything I do. Help me to remember that even if nobody else is watching, You are and You're the highest authority I could ever answer to. Help me to be a man of integrity and live my life as if everyone is watching even when You're the only one who sees me. - 

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