Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Day 47: Num 7:68 - 10:14

You know, I've never really given much thought to the pillar of smoke/fire that lead the Israelites. Sometimes, it's easy to think that God only give us guidance and direction in small subtle ways that are almost indistinguishable unless you know exactly what you're looking for, but we see in this enormous part of Biblical history that God worked on enormous scales as well. Sadly enough, there are alot of people today who sit around wondering where they're supposed to go when God is  standing right above them holding the door open and waiting for them to walk through. How terrible would it have been if Moses had ignored the pillar that God provided him and he just sat around trying to figure it out on his own? God probably would've just gotten rid of him and started over fresh.

Lord, help me to pay attention to the signs that You are showing me. I know one fault of the human race is that sometimes we try to over-complicate things when You're trying to make them plain and simple. Thank You for giving us signs and holding the door open for us so that we can march out into the destiny that You've planned for us! - 

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