Saturday, October 18, 2008

Day 63: Deut 13:1 - 16:21

This passage deals with honoring God in so many different areas of our lives. Honoring God is such a tricky subject because although it does involve us performing certain outward actions to show our love and devotion to God, more than anything, it's a matter of the heart. God didn't give the people the rules because He thought the rules would bring honor, He gave the children of Israel the rules because oftentimes, the you have to do right before you'll end up feeling right. God knows that if He can get us to redirect our daily actions and habits and form habits that bring glory and honor to Him, then our hearts will also turn towards Him and bless Him.

- Lord, help me to honor You in everything that I do. Help me not to mindlessly "follow" the rules simply because they're rules and that's what I'm supposed to do, but help me to follow them so I can begin to exercise my body and form the proper habits so as to best show You honor. -

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