Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Day 73: Josh 11:23 - 14:15

The best part of these verses has to be the very end where Caleb talks about his own plans. Caleb was 40 years old when he and the other 11 spies went into the Promised land, and he was one of only 2 who brought back a good report. Caleb was one of only 2 Israelites living in the Promised Land who had ever seen it before and God gave him the incredible blessing of not only staying alive, but staying fit and strong so he could move into the land God had given him and drive out the inhabitants. This passage is such a great reminder that even if our integrity isn't rewarded at the moment it's shown, if we will continue in that integrity and not waiver, God will honor that and bless it and in the end, we'll see bigger and stronger blessings than we could've ever imagined. Almost all of the men Caleb's age were already dead, but God blessed Caleb with supernatural youth so he could go and do all that God had called him to.

- Lord, help me to live my life with integrity and not sway to the right or to the left. I know that even if my integrity isn't rewarded right now by carnal means, if I will stay the course, I will see the reward of my integrity and will go places none of my peers could ever dream of! -

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