Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 227: Jer 11:1 - 14:22

If I'm honest, I have to say that reading these passages makes it difficult to consider the fact that we serve a loving merciful God. I suppose reading it from this perspective is alot like seeing a parent spank their child without ever really seeing what the child did wrong or what sort of conversations were had with the child prior. The bottom line though, is that we serve a God of justice, and He can't help but handle things justly. We now live the age of Grace and because God sent His Son to die on the cross for our sins, we have been justified and have covenant right to be forgiven if we will turn from our wicked ways and follow Him. However, grace doesn't apply to those who don't accept it. And just like God didn't have a choice whether or not He wanted to punish the Israelites for what they had become, He doesn't have a choice but to allow the sins of our society to swallow them whole. We must remember that although we are in this world we must never become a part of this world. God wants to separate the grain from the chaff and if we don't distinguish ourselves as grain belonging to Him, we will be in some serious trouble.

- Lord, thank You for offering us Your grace. We don't deserve forgiveness or redemption, but You sent Your one and only Son for that express purpose and as long as we accept that gift that You have so freely given, we can come confidently before You knowing that You will accept our sacrifices of praise. -

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