Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 198: Prov 14:1 - 16:17

Sometimes, we read books or columns about the right way to live, but we aren't shown the wrong way to live so we can avoid that. It's sad to admit, but we as humans can have the tendency to add more good things to our lives without taking the time to remove the bad things. Solomon understood this concept so he was sure, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, to not only tell us what we should do, but also tell us what we should avoid. It's oftentimes easy to play the ignorance card in our walk with the Lord. It's easy to say, "well I didn't realize that that was wrong," or "I haven't read anything about it in the Bible so it must be OK." Although many of these concepts should be common sense, for alot of people, they are entirely new concepts so God made sure that all a person would have to do is read the words on the page, determine what they need to start or stop doing, and then do it. If we will judge ourselves according to the Bible, we will be able to live a blessed life full of wisdom.

- Lord, help me to not only begin to do the things that I learn about in this book, but give me the strength to stop doing the things that You have said will hurt me. It's all about balance and I pray that You help me learn that balance so I can life the kind of life that You have planned for me. -

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