Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 200: Prov 19:18 - 22:12

It's important to note that many of the things in this book considered foolish are things that our society would see as wise. For instance, in our society, we're told that the best way to get ahead is by stepping on everyone else's neck and finding success by all means. But We see in Proverbs that it's better to be poor and honest that a rich liar. We are taught that it's OK to bend the truth a little bit in order to make your situation better, but God tells us that He sees all that we do and He'll see to it that that type of thing is properly "rewarded." Society tells us to act first and then think, but we see in Proverbs that someone who acts without thinking is foolish and will never experience true success. We're taught that the only one you should ever be loyal to is yourself, and everyone else is looking out for themselves so you may as well do the same. But God tells us to remain loyal to Him and those who God has placed in our lives to walk with us. There are alot of principles in this book that are contrary to what the world would say, and the only way to know what they are is to dig deep and find out what God is saying to us.

- Lord, help me to keep my eyes on Your Word and choose Your wisdom over the world's. Even though the world may be able to offer some pretty tempting deals, I know that true happiness and success only comes from being obedient to Your Word. -

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