Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 196: Prov 8:1 - 10:31

It's interesting to view wisdom as a person or a being. In chapter 9 Solomon not only describes wisdom as if it were a person, but he describes her as a person who is calling out, welcoming us all to come and spend some time with her. For most of us, to think of wisdom as a person would probably give us the picture of some very secretive person who is always hiding and we would have to search and search to be able to find her. But Solomon paints a completely different picture for us. Wisdom is not some elusive, secretive thing that only the smartest, most shifty people can find. Wisdom is a gift to anyone who is willing to ask for it. Wisdom is searching to find us so all we have to do is make ourselves available and let God take care of the rest. God desires that each of His children be filled with His wisdom. So let's stop trying to do things our way so we can have the glory, and let's look to Him and let Him bless us with wisdom from above.

- Lord, help me to make myself available so that wisdom can find me. Help me not to search in worldly human places for wisdom, but help me to remember that true wisdom only comes from You and You are just waiting for someone to ask for it. -

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