Saturday, March 7, 2009

Day 203: Prov 28:1 - 30:32

One thing I think we can learn from the book of Proverbs is the importance of hard work. It seems to me like there are alot of Christians out there who seem to have subscribed to some twisted theology that we're not supposed to work to get anything. They seem to think that their job is to sit around doing nothing and expect to be able to just say a prayer and get exactly what they want. But we can see very clearly all throughout the Bible that God honors those who are willing to work for what's important to them. It's really a very interesting paradigm because in the end the people who work hard towards accomplishing something they could never do on their own end up being blessed with blessings they never should have deserved while the people who sit around and just expect God to shower them with blessings end up getting exactly what they deserve - disappointment. God honors those who are willing to show honor to Him and one of the most honorable things that we could ever do for Him is work hard at building His kingdom and doing what He's called us to do.

- Lord, help me to always have a desire to work hard for You. I don't want to work hard just so I can get some sort of reward. I want to have the desire to work hard so that I can see all that You have called me to come to pass. I want to be obedient to You not for what I can get out of it but for what You can do with it through me. -

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