Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 226: Jer 7:34 - 10:25

It's so interesting to read these verses and realize that although the problems and punishments seem to be very complicated and involved, the solution is such an easy one. All that God is requiring is that His people turn themselves around and put their eyes upon Him. It's amazing how sinful humans can take such an easy concept and pervert it and destroy it and turn it into such a complicated mess that no man could ever fix. The human condition always seems to push us towards acting like complete idiots when we find ourselves in trouble. It seems idiotic to think that the children of Israel would fall into such trouble with worshiping idols and evil spirits and yet the only solution they could think of was to get deeper and deeper into those addictions. We need to learn now while our feet are still on the ground that the only solution to our problem is our Father in Heaven. When the only thing we can see is the problem in front of us, that's when we need to rely on what God has shown us and let Him take us back to the place where we are fully reliant on Him.

- Lord, I want to get it through my head right now that You will always be the solution to the problem. I know that it's easy to get distracted with the problem and forget to put my focus on You, but I choose to develop those habits now so when the fight comes, I will be ready. -

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