Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day 214: Is 26:1 - 29:24

I love the analogy at the end of chapter 28 comparing believers to farmers. It is so true that there are many out there who think that simply repeating one task over and over and over will produce results. Just like a farmer, we must take a lesson from our Father and understand that building His kingdom requires more than just repeating the same steps over and over. We must be willing and open to changing our approaches, trying new ideas and developing new methods of spreading His Word so that we don't end up missing out on what He has for us. I think there are alot of people out there who just continually try to plant the see, but never try to water it or give it sunlight. Or there are people who are constantly trying to reap a harvest, but they won't take the time to even plant the seeds in the first place. Living a Godly life and accomplishing what God is calling us to is not a one-step process, it's an ever-changing, living process that can only be led by God Himself.

- Lord, give me the wisdom and the strength to not get stuck in a rut doing the same thing over and over again. Help me to change and move along with the world around me so that I will always be effective no matter what the world throws at me! -

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