Thursday, March 5, 2009

Day 199: Prov 16:18 - 19:17

It's interesting to note that although the book of Proverbs discusses many characteristics that would describe a fool, alot of them have to do with his mouth. One of my favorite subjects in this book is the subject regarding the fact the a fool can be easily spotted by how much he talks. The most interesting point to ponder is that there are alot of people out there who most would consider to be very foolish who may not really much dumber than the rest of us. Their problem is mainly that they don't know when to shut up. I've had friends before who were very quiet and reserved and only spoke if they had something important to say and I've also had friends who seemingly never shut up. And to be honest, I always seemed to have more respect for the first ones. The truth is, you may have an opinion and it may actually help people to hear it, but to think that you have the right to just always tell everyone exactly what's on your mind is foolish and you run the risk of being viewed as nothing more than a fool.

- Father, help me to have the strength to be careful and watch my tongue. I know that I've got alot of good stuff to say, but I know there are also some things that float around in my head that would be much better left unsaid and keeping me from saying them will help prevent me from appearing foolish. -

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