Saturday, November 22, 2008

Day 98: 2 Sam 10:19 - 13:26

This story has always been one that I've tried my hardest to overlook and pretend never happened, but it absolutely did happen. I think it's really important to note that this story isn't in the Bible to show people that even huge "Biblical giants" like David can make stupid mistakes, it's in the Bible to show us that we serve a merciful God. It's always sad to see such a big hero fall from his place up there on some level far above any normal human, but it's very important to go through this story along with the others because it reminds us that David was never the hero of this story to begin with. God is the hero of this story and there's no other passage in the history of David that shows it better than this one. David was called, anointed, and blessed by God and God had every right to destroy him and completely undo everything that He had done for David, but He chose to send a prophet to let David know what was going on, and then He did what only God has the ability to truly do - He forgave Him.

- Lord, thank You for Your mercy. It's easy to be scared sometimes that serving a huge, perfect, and just God like You means that one mistake will make us lose it all and start back at square one, but You've shown us in Your word that You are a God of mercy and if we will come to You repentant and broken, You'll forgive us not because of who we are, but because of who You are. -

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