Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 86: I Sam 1:28 - 4:21

The story in these passages isn't exactly the most happy and positive message, but it definitely shows us the truth and the importance of faithfulness. Here we have Samuel, a little kid who was given no choice but to spend the rest of his life working for God, and yet he was more than happy to do it. Not only that, but the two young men who were supposed to be taking care of the temple and helping Samuel develop were out cheating God and doing whatever they wanted. Samuel was in the perfect position to join right in with Hophni and Phinehas, but he chose to stay faithful and God honored that. It's too bad that the only 2 sons of Eli the Priest were killed in battle, but God knew that they never would have gotten to the place where they would be able to anoint the new king David. So God allowed the road to be straightened again so that His faithful servant Samuel would have the opportunity to do what God had called Him to do.

I want to always be faithful no matter what's going on around me. It's easy to get sucked into the same routine that everyone else is in and slip away from the Father's hand, but I won't allow that to happen to me. I want to stand firm and always be there so that when the time comes and everything around me is falling apart, I will remain strong so God can do His work through me. -

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