Monday, November 10, 2008

Day 85: Ruth 1:22 - I Sam 1:27

As we conclude the very short book of Ruth, we learn a concept very similar to, yet very different from the book of Judges. In Judges we learn about a group of man and women who did huge things and made monumental decisions and although most were terribly flawed, they all played very obviously enormous roles in the history of the Jewish culture. The book of Ruth, however, is about two lowly widows who did a seemingly tiny act of obedience and yet they changed the course of History just as much, if not more than, all of the judges before them. The point is, it doesn't matter how "big" you think your role is or how much of an impact you think it will have. Staying faithful and being obedient to the Father will generate results that we could never even imagine. All we have to do  is remain faithful and be exactly who God has called us to be.

- Father, help me to never take for granted the small things that You've called me to do. It's natural to want to carry out the big mission and make the biggest impact right now, but I know that Your plan goes so far beyond what my imagination can see and if I will do my job and be obedient, You'll honor that and use my obedience as the blessing You have planned. -

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