Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 94: I Sam 26:14 - 30:30

We are now moving into the final stages of David gaining power and influence and Saul loosing his. I can't even imagine how terrible it would feel to be told that God has turned away from you and He is now on the side of your enemy, but that's exactly what happened. This group of Scriptures is interesting because it shows us how God is continuing to bless David and give him more and more victory, and it shows Saul slowly losing everything that he had worked for. This is very encouraging because there are so many times when we find ourselves in a state of disillusion and it feels like we're standing on the sidelines watching someone else wrongfully do what we were called to. But the truth is, God knows what He's doing and not only will their current situation be adjusted, but our situation can be turned around into training because whether we realize it or not, the kingship is just around the corner and we had better take every opportunity to get ready for it.

- Lord, help me to stay strong and keep my eyes on You even through the times when it looks like everything is going wrong. The truth is, I don't always know what's happening outside of my situation, but if I will keep my eyes on You, I can trust You to take care of everything while I stay faithful in learning what You want me to learn. -  

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