Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 97: 2 Sam 6:23 - 10:18

It's difficult to read about the blessing that God gave to David and not be impressed. I know that alot of people put a big emphasis on the blessing of Abraham, but I have to say that this blessing is definitely not something to be taken lightly. God not only promised King David and his family huge blessings, but He also promised that He wouldn't take the blessing away from them like He did with Saul. It's one thing to be given a gift, it's something totally different when that gift comes with a guarantee.

Also, I have always loved the story of Mephibosheth. Believe it or not, it totally falls in line with the recurring theme of this wonderful book we call the Bible - Redemption. Here is a poor crippled man who undoubtedly had spent most of his life afraid of King David and wondering when someone was going to break down the door to take him away. But instead of ending up being punished for all of the wrong things that his grandfather did, he was rewarded and completely redeemed from all of it based on the deep meaningful covenant that David made with his father years earlier. God made us a promise nearly 2000 years ago that if we would accept Jesus as our Savior, He would forgive us of our sins and redeem us, buy us back for His glory. We don't have to look at the bad things we've done or our society has done, if God made a promise, He will stick to it no matter what.

- Lord, thank You for being our redeemer. It's so easy to fall into a hole and be so afraid to come out for fear of what You would do us, but help us to remember that You are a just God and You will always honor Your word before anything else. Thank You for picking us up out of that hole of being crippled and poor and sitting us down at Your table where we can partake in all of Your blessings without any conditions or strings attached! - 

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