Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Day 87: I Sam 4:22 - 9:11

It's a sad day when people stop relying on what God will tell them and start relying on a man leading them. I believe there are alot of churches out there today who have turned into something exactly like the Children of Israel. They're tired of God leading the way, so they decide to appoint a human being so they can rely on him and trust him more than they ever even tried to trust in God. I believe with all my heart that God puts people in our lives to help us give direction and lead us towards the right goals, but we should never put a man in the highest authority in our lives. Just as we will eventually see with the Israelites, it will end up having some short-term benefits, but if they continue to keep their trust in a man, things will begin to fall apart and God won't be there to clean it all up for them.

- Lord, help me not to idolize and put all of my faith in a man. I know that you've put people in my life to help walk with me and lead me in the right direction, but I know that their word will never take the place of Yours and their leadership should never overstep You. -

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