Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 90: I Sam 15:13 - 17:40

So in this passage we see the beginning of one of the most famous passages in the Bible - The story of David and Goliath. I, like so many others, used to think that this story began with an unknown little kid who just happened to be in the right place at the right time, but we can see in this passage that there were certain events that led up to David being the man picked for this job. Although it's always been obvious that God picked him for this job, we see in these verses that God made opportunities for him to get close to and be seen with Kind Saul long before he had to deal with Goliath. Alot of times we think that what's going on right now in our lives is just pointless, but the truth is, if we are in the middle of God's will, He is either teaching us something that will help us in the future or He's positioning us for the next big thing that He wants to do through us.

- Lord, help me to be in the right position to be used by You whenever You're ready to use me. Help me to not get upset or anxious about where my life is right now, but Help me to keep my eyes on You and my faith in You. I know that if I'll be faithful in these things, one day when the time comes for the giant to be killed, I'll be first in line! -

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