Monday, December 29, 2008

Day 129: 1 Chr 18:17 - 22:19

I think it's of alot of importance to point out the fact that although David had a wonderful life, it was filled with fighting and advancement and conquering. I believe that, although our targets are not people and places like they were back then, our lives today should be filled just as much with fighting and marching forward and conquering. It seems like there are alot of Christians out there today who just want to live a sweet, simple, easy life without any conflict or confrontation, but what most don't realize is that God didn't call us to be a people of timidity and laziness, He called us to be a people who are willing to march out to the front lines and fight the devil face to face. If we're too scared to stand up and fight, then we can't possibly expect to find victory. It's only when we are willing to march out and take what is rightfully ours that God can bless us and give us the kind of victories that will allow us to accomplish all that God has called us to do.

- Lord, help me not to be afraid of going out and fighting. As easy and comfortable as it would be to just sit still and relax, I know that I will never be able to do what You've called me to if I'm just sitting back taking it easy. Help me to see the victories that happen when we step out so that I can be confident and remember the blessings so that the next time I have the opportunity to stand up and fight, I won't be in the least bit afraid. -

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