Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 112: 1 Kings 21:1 - 2 Kings 1:8

It's very interesting to read about the dynamic between the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah. Unfortunately, they're all human so they're all obviously flawed, but the kings of Judah seem to follow God a little more closely. It's sad to read about kings like Ahab and his son when you think about how wonderful and glorious things could have been for the kings of Israel. Like I said before, all of the kings, whether from Israel or Judah, were incredibly flawed, but at least the ones from Judah had a little bit more of a steady record. There are alot of relationships that we have with other people where we're very equally yoked and there's no obvious spiritually dominant person, but then there are others where one person is constantly negatively influencing the other. I suppose the only question I'm trying to ask here is - which king would you more accurately represent? Are you the kind of person who's always trying to do better but getting too tired or bored or selfish to follow through with listening to God's Word? Or are you the person who, although flawed and imperfect, have a relationship with the Father and does the best you can to please Him?

- Lord, I want to relate more to the Kings of Judah. I know that the kings from either side did some really stupid things, but at least there were more kings from Judah who tried to please You. If given the choice, I will always choice to be the influence, not the one being influenced. -

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