Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 110: 1 Kings 16:1 - 18:29

I love this part of 1 Kings because we finally start to see some hope coming back to the people of Israel. They had spent alot of time wallowing in their sin and it was starting to look like they would be stuck there forever. But then God sent a real man of God to come in and clean house. There are two ways to look at this story - #1: We've been living in a society going down, but God is faithful and will provide someone to help us; or #2: I've seen this society wallowing and writhing in sin long enough and I know that God has called me personally to step up and turn things around. Personally, I feel more drawn to the 2nd one. Who knows how many people God called before Elijah finally stood up. The people of Israel were going downhill for a really long time and it's entirely possible that there may have been hundreds of God-fearing people who ended up fearing men more than God. I don't want to be one of those people. I want to be an Elijah. This man so clearly had the anointing on him and we've seen in these verses and will continue to see that it takes a believer who's not afraid or intimidated to step up and turn it all around.

- Lord, I want to be like Elijah and not like all of the others who were too scared. I want to stand on the mountain challenging the gods of this society not so I can show how smart or powerful I am, but so I can bring glory to Your name and bring the people around me to their knees in worship. -

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