Friday, September 26, 2008

Day 42: Lev 25:22 - 26:46

Wow, it's hard to read these verses and not feel a little overwhelmed. It's incredible to see the huge contrast between following God's commands and ignoring them! I realize that we now live in the age of grace and that God forgives us of our sins because He sent his Son, the Ultimate Sacrifice, to make payment for them; but I think these verses are good to help set ourselves straight sometimes. It would be very difficult to read these verses right here and just go off and ignore what God is telling us to do. Only an idiot would choose disobedience over obedience after reading these passages. And even though we're in a different "dispensation" in this day and age, I think we can still take alot from these verses. These passages, in my opinion, lay it out pretty clear. If we want a blessed life, we need to follow God, otherwise we can disobey everything He says and live a horrible, cursed, miserable life. The choice is ours.

- Lord, help me to always choose blessing over curses. I know the devil brings temptation, but help me to see past the immediate gratification and see into the terrible curse that I would put on my life. Thank You for offering Your blessings and I pray that You help me to always have the strength to choose wisely. -

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