Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day 27: Ex 25:16 - 27:21

It's amazing to think of how difficult it was for the Children of Israel just to commune with God. Reading this passage makes me so incredibly thankful that we live under Grace and not under the Law. Sadly, I think there are still alot of people out there today who still think that we have to go through all sorts of ritual and tradition just to speak to God. The fact is, when Jesus died on the cross, he made it so that we didn't have to sit and let one man once a year go to God and make payment for our sins. Jesus was the last man who ever had to stand before God to make payment for our sins. Now all we have to do is just talk to God and He will listen. As awesome as it would have been to be with the Children of Israel when God did all of those things, I would much rather live under God's Grace in these days where we can come before God and speak to Him and listen as He speaks to us.

- Lord, Thank you for giving us the opportunity to speak to You directly rather than having to rely on a priest to communicate to You on our behalf. I pray that I will never take for granted the blessing that you've given me to be able to communicate with you directly. Thank You for breaking down the walls of tradition and religion so that we could have communion with You. - 

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