Sunday, April 26, 2009

Day 257: Ez 20:49 - 23:14

It's important to note in all of these books of prophecy that none of the prophets seem to sugar coat their message. It has become a very popular thing to turn our sermons into something less offensive and more "palatable" to the general public, but in doing so, we take away the urgency and the truth behind the words that we say. It's very common to hear a preacher explain that the reason he doesn't tell it straight is because he loves his congregation too much and he doesn't want to hurt their feelings. But the truth is, that isn't love at all. The reason preachers won't be honest with their congregations is because they're selfish and too afraid of someone looking down on them for hurting their feelings. If those preachers truly loved the people they were ministering to, they would do everything possible keep them from going to Hell - even if that meant hurting their feelings. I realize that the case was a little different in the book of Ezekiel, I mean, the children of Israel were going to be judged no matter what, but the same basic concept applies - if we really love those who we're called to speak to, we should be willing to be honest with them and say exactly what God tells us to say.

- Lord, give me the strength to say exactly what You want me to say when You want me to say it. Help me to not be intimidated by those around me because I know that there's nothing they can do to the real me. They may be able to hurt my flesh, but that's absolutely nothing compared to what will happen if I turn away from You. -

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