Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 250: Ez 29:1 - 32:31

It's amazing reading these passages and imagining the amount of faith that these prophets had to have possessed to speak to the men that they spoke to. It's very humbling to consider the fact that most of us shudder at the thought of having to offer a prophecy to a pier or even someone who is not as spiritually mature as us, and yet these prophets had no problem standing in front of kings and emperors and all sorts of powerful men and women who could have them killed with one nod of the head. We as believers need to believe God for the kind of faith that isn't even a little bit worried about what others can do to us. Whether we're worried about what they can do to our bodies or our reputations, there's absolutely nothing that man can do to us that compares to what God can do. God wants us to have faith in Him so that whether He wants us to talk to our neighbor or talk to the President of the United States, we will be able to put everything we have into His hands and just do what He said.

- Father, help me to hear and hear more of Your Word so that I can build up my faith stronger and stronger every single day. Help me to have to kind of faith that fears nothing but rather believes that You will be heard through my voice. -

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