Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 237: Jer 48:1 - 49:39

I must say that Jeremiah seems to be one of the most impressive characters in the Bible in my opinion. I mean, This guy is not at all afraid to say what God tells him to say, and he's not afraid to say it to anybody. I would have to say that I don't know if I could stand up and speak out against anyone and everyone that God told me to. Jeremiah is the perfect picture of someone who has laid it all down and is willing to sacrifice it all for the sake of doing what God called him to do. So many people out there claiming to live for God would much rather make people feel happy and comfortable by watering down the Word that God has given them. Our generation needs to hear exactly what God has to say to them without it being sugar coated and fluffed up. And if that means that we need to say it to the meanest scariest, most intimidating people we know, then so be it. We are God's ambassadors and if He told us to say it, then He is responsible to protect us once we've said it.

- Lord, give me the strength and resolve that Jeremiah had. Help me to not be scared or intimidated to preach Your Word to others. I know that what You have to say is very precise and direct and it is my responsibility to communicate it exactly as You want me to. -

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