Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 236: Jer 43:5 - 47:7

It's sad to read about the ignorance of people who had such a man of God right there instructing them on what to do. It seems to be human nature to just abandon everything we knew once things start going bad. I know from experience how difficult it is to stand firm even when it feels like everything around is falling apart. We read in the passages the warning that Jeremiah issued to the people of Israel for retreating and running away from everything that was right. We as believers need to remember that when things start falling apart, that's not the time for us to run away and try something new. That's the time for us to get back to the basics and figure out what we can do to ensure that we're in right standing with the father. Sometimes we get so focused on things being easy and fun that when they become difficult and not fun, we think that we have failed and we decide to completely rebel. Regardless of whether we have failed or succeeded, it is our job to follow our Lord and Saviour whole-heartedly.

- Lord, give me the strength to not retreat when things get difficult. You have always been faithful to me so no matter what happens, it is my responsibility to remain faithful to You. -

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