Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Day 249: Ez 26:1 - 28:26

In this passage, we see a perfect example of the Biblical principle that pride comes before the fall. I must admit that I read that New Testament plenty of times before I found it in myself to make it to the Old Testament and it's very interesting because the names Tyre and Sidon have long been familiar, but only in the same sense as Sodom and Gamorah. Tyre and Sidon were 2 cities that seemed to have everything going for them, but instead of honoring God and understanding that He provided them with those blessings, they decided that they were gods and they were the only reason that they were so successful. God wants all of us to understand that if we get the stupid idea that we are responsible for all of our own success, God will allow that to be tested by leaving us all alone with nothing but our "success" to keep us standing. And inevitably, we will fall face-first just like Tyre and Sidon and just like Sodom and Gamorah.

- Lord, Help me to never allow my pride to get the best of me. Help me to always remember that You are the reason that I am where I am and You will always be the One I rely on not only to stay alive, but to thrive in this world. -

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