Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 240: Lam 2:1 - 3:66

The book of Lamentations is such a good reminder of the fact that although Jeremiah was a strong in-your-face kind of prophet, he said what he did to God's people because he loved them. It's easy to read some of the books of the Prophets and feel like maybe the prophets were actually hoping that the people they were talking to would end up dying terrible tragic deaths. All of the passion and gusto that went into writing these books can sometimes be mistaken for joy or some sort of strong desire to see these people destroyed. But we can clearly see in the book of Lamentations that Jeremiah's heart was broken to see the very things that he prophesied come to pass. No matter how convinced we are that those around us are headed for hell, we must never view them through the eyes of anything other than love. If our motivation is revenge or "justice," then when we see those near us die and go to hell, their blood will be on our hands because instead of doing all we could to save their lives, we sat back hoping and expecting their lives to fall apart. But if we will act in love and do everything in our ability to wake them up, then if they reject us, as terrible and and heart-breaking as it will be watching their lives implode, we will be able to stand before the Father knowing that we loved them and their blood is on their own hands.

- Lord, just like the Prophet Jeremiah wept for the people of Israel when they had to pay for their sins, break my heart for those around me. Help me to love them the way Jeremiah loved his people. Help me to preach Your Word not so I can prove a point or condemn them to hell, but so I can help pull them out of the mess that they've gotten themselves into and bring them to the place where You have called them to be! -

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