Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 244: Ez 12:1 - 15:8

In the last part of chapter 14, the Prophet makes a point that is so incredibly valid for today's generation. He talks about the fact that if God finds 3 righteous people in the land, He will destroy everyone except for those 3 righteous people. He explains that the evil around them will not necessarily destroy them, but the simple fact that they are righteous is not enough to save all of those around them. It seems there are so many Christians today who seem to think that the fact that they're saved is enough to bring their whole family to heaven. But Jesus clearly states that the only way to Heaven is through Him. We as believers must stop assuming that we can just bring a bunch of people to Heaven based on our own salvation and begin stepping out and reaching those who need to hear the true and honest Gospel that will save their souls. It may be more convenient to just let them "follow your lead," but in the end, convenience won't make the difference.

- Lord, help me to have the faith and the boldness to step out and share Your Word with others. Help me to remember that I can't bring anyone with me based on my own salvation, they too must believe in order to be saved. -

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