Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 243: Ez 7:27 - 11:25

It's interesting to note that Ezekiel referred a few times to the people who assumed that God had already forsaken them. We live in a generation that is full of people who have already decided that God has turned His back on them. Oddly enough, once a person has determined that God doesn't care about them, they decide that they won't care about God. We must never allow ourselves to come to the point where we don't think God is watching us. You can find plenty of verses about God promising not to forsake His children and yet you can find so many more about His children forsaking Him. Before we start feeling sorry for ourselves and thinking that God has turned His back on us, maybe we should re-examine our own position and find out if perhaps we are the ones who have turned our backs on Him. God will never leave us nor forsake us but He's not going to force Himself on someone who doesn't want to have anything to do with Him.

- Lord, help me to ensure that those around me never get to the point where they have decided that You have forsaken them. Give me the words to say and the things to do to help spread Your love to them so that they will stay faithful and not walk away from everything You have for them. -

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