Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 230: Jer 23:1 - 25:38

In these verses, we read about Jeremiah warning the people about listening to preachers claiming to have been sent from God. It's funny how thousands of years later, people are still falling into the same traps. There are so many people in the world who find themselves basing their entire existence on some idiot's opinion of what God meant in the Bible. We need to always understand that God does speak through people, but everything He says will always agree with His Word. Of course, there are plenty of "inspirational speakers" out there who have some great things to say, but that doesn't mean that their words come from God. It's OK to tell people that everything will be OK, but telling them that they can live in the nasty rotten sin-hole that they formed for themselves isn't OK. The irresponsible Christian will always follow anything they hear that makes them feel better, so we have to be careful and weigh everything we hear with the Word of God.

- Lord, help me to not be enticed my smooth-talking preachers who think they know all of the answers. Help me to be a responsible Christian and base what I hear and believe on the truth found in Your Word and not on the lies found in this world. -

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