Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 233: Jer 32:16 - 35:8

It's funny how it seems that no matter how bad the punishment is, God is always ready to promise His children recompense and redemption. I wonder how many of His children gave up too early though? I know that there are alot of Christians today who end up giving up right in the middle of some sort of trial or "valley." Usually we end up finding ourselves in some sort of mess that we made, and we end up blaming God. It's interesting because so often people blame the bad things that they did to themselves on God and then selfishly take all of the credit for the wonderful blessings that God gave them. We need to take a step back and realize that if something isn't going right in our lives right now, instead of panicking and blaming God for everything that has happened, we should set our eyes on Him and know that if we will remain faithful even in the valley, God will eventually bring us out of the mess that we go ourselves into and He will bring us back into the promise that He has for our lives.

- Lord, help me to hold one even when I don't exactly see the point. Help me to call to memory the Children of Israel and remember that You blessed them when they trusted in You and I know that You will do the same for me. -

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