Friday, April 24, 2009

Day 255: Ez 16:1 - 17:24

In these passages, the prophet compares the nation of Israel to a prostitute. It's sad to say that there are many people and groups in our generation who have done the exact same thing. Just as faithfulness is one of the most important things in a marriage, God expects for the church to be faithful to Him. So many times the church has sold herself to the highest bidder. The church has found so many hundreds of opportunities to compromise and has taken every single one of them. We need to get to the place where compromise isn't even in our vocabulary. The day that God stops being our main focus is the day that we stop loving Him and begin loving ourselves. There are so many congregations out there doing everything they can to grow their numbers so they can "change lives" yet every word that comes out of their mouth does nothing but tickle peoples' ears and push them deeper into a life of compromise. If we truly love God and if we truly love people, then we will be faithful and speak only the Word and do only the things that God has told us.

- Lord, help Your church to remain faithful. Give her the strength and the fortitude to continue on and keep her eyes set on pleasing You and reaching the lost. -

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