Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 187: Psalms 115:1 - 119:23

It's sad to say, but there are so many believers out there who seem to have a very distorted picture of our God Who is so quick to bless us. Of course, at first glance, it would appear that there are two basic beliefs regarding God's desire to bless His children - some believe that we are called to a life of poverty and others believe that we are called to a life of abundance and prosperity. Of course, after reading through the Bible, it would be impossible to believe that God wants anything other than total success and blessings for His children, but there are many out there who think that the whole point of the Christian walk is so God can make me rich and give me stuff. The truth is, God wants us to prosper, but not so that we can have a bunch of stuff. God wants to bless us so that we can turn around and be a blessing to those around us who are in need. God wants to bless us so that we can stand before the world as a representative of Him and so that we can bring honor to His name, and not our own.

- Lord, help me to have the right motives when asking for Your blessings to fall. Of course I want to live an easier life and a more comfortable life, but more than anything, I want to live a life that is indicative of Your Word and one that will make the people of the world stop at nothing to find out what I've got and how they can get it. -

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