Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 168: Psalms 22:18 - 28:7

I love the contrast that we see in these chapters between the insignificance of one person alone and the awesome power they have with God behind them. David really had such a deep understanding of the fact that without Him, we are nothing and can do nothing, but with Him, all things are possible. So many people go though this life thinking that they're just small insignificant specks incapable of making any real changes in this world. And however true that statement may be in an of itself, if we will lay ourselves down and look to God, He can do so much more through us that we could have ever imagined. I think we must all realize that if we ever want God to really work through us, we must realize how ineffective we are and how powerful He is.

- Father, help me to remember that less of me means more of You. Help me to understand how powerless I am on my own. I want to be a strong and  powerful person; not based on my own strength, but by the strength of my God! -

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