Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 174: Psalms 54:7 - 60:9

It's interesting to see what a singular theme these passages have - vengeance is the Lord's. This has always been a difficult one for me because although Jesus says in the New Testament that we are supposed to pray for those who hurt us and love those who hate us, and yet I still feel that passages such as these still contain tons of truth and wisdom. It's so easy when things go wrong to start looking for opportunities to go beat up the people who hurt us, but what we must learn from these passages is that it's not our job to bring vengeance down on those who treat us badly. Instead of seeking out ways to bring our "enemies" down and show them who we really are, God wants us to keep our focus on Him and doing what He's told us to do. If we will do that for Him, He will be more than faithful to not only bring justice to all parties involved, but bring justice that we as humans could have never accomplished.

- Lord, help me to keep my trust in You to bring justice in my life. It's so easy to want to take situations into my own hands, but I know that, just like anything else in life, if I will just give it to You, You will make it turn out the way that You want it to. -

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