Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 167: Psalms 18:19 - 22:17

It's interesting to read the book of Psalms and recognize the deep relationship that the writer has with God. It's relatively easy to write a big book about names and dates and what people did and how they did them and who they did them with. But it's a totally different thing to write a book, especially one to the extent of Psalms entirely focused on giving thanks and praise to our God above. In a way it's very humbling to think of all of the work put into this book. I mean, there have been times that I've found myself getting tired of loosing interest after reading the Bible or praying for 30 minutes and yet David had the endurance to write a book of the Bible like this one and was given the ability to come up with that many different things to say about the same topic. I hope that some day I will be able to express that sort of love to my Lord above.

- Father, help me to take a lesson from the Psalms and bring myself closer to You and worshiping Your name. Help me to become a man after Your own heart just like David so that I can know Your secrets and not just know who You are, but truly and deeply know You more than I know myself. -

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