Sunday, February 15, 2009

Day 182: Psalms 92:1 - 98:6

In these verses, the psalmist encourages us to offer all that we have in worship to our king. It's true that many people have had huge accomplishments in their lifetimes, but these verses do well to remind us that as big as our accomplishments may be, God's will always be bigger and more worthy of praise. He made the heavens and the earth and He is the Almighty God. I also love the mention that he always makes of the mountains and the way they react to God. When we think of the things here on earth that could be considered huge and powerful, mountains are always at the top of the list, but we are reminded in these passages that just at the sight of God, mountains will melt like wax and the oceans will stand at attention. We serve a powerful and mighty God and no matter who we are or where we are in life, He deserves our utmost praise.

- Father, give me the strength to never stop praising You. Though people often change their minds and the way they do things, You will never change. You created the universe and yet You are still willing to hold my hand and love me. Thank You for being the huge God that You are and help me to never stop praising You. -

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