Friday, February 13, 2009

Day 180: Psalms 83:1 - 88:18

The first few psalms in this passage point out a very interesting and distinct characteristic of our Lord - He is a God of abundance and more than enough. So often it seems like the more religious people of the church try and convince people that God wants us all to live poor and just barely getting by, but we can clearly see that God is a God of abundance and it would be silly to assume that He would want us to live opposite of Him. For example God is righteous, therefore He desires that we strive for righteousness. God is love therefore He wants us to love. He even  went so far as to tell us that it's our job to love our enemies. God is wise therefore we read in alot of places in the book of Proverbs that we are to search for wisdom wherever it may be found. So why then would it make any sense to say that although God lives in heaven, the most elaborate, well kept, beautiful city ever imagined complete with gold-paved streets, He would want us to live a life of poverty and pain? In my opinion, it makes absolutely no sense. God has called us to live blessed, well provided lives. All we have to do is look to Him and He will make sure that His children are taken care of.

- Father, thank You for being a God that desires to see His children blessed. So often religion tells us that we have to lie down and just give up and let poverty have its way in our lives, but we know that it's Your will to prosper us so that we can be a blessing to those in need. -

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