Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 163: Job 38:1 - 40:23

Wow, I would not want to be in Job's shoes when God called him out like that. It's so funny because trying to read that imagining that a human was saying it to Job is moving enough, but when you consider that God Himself spoke to Job out of a thunderstorm, it just makes you shiver. I think what God said to Job is such a powerful message that so many people in our society need to hear today. It seems like there are so many people today who seem to have the mindset that they've been everywhere and they've seen everything, but until they've seen and done the kinds of things that God has, they  have absolutely no room to talk. Maybe next time someone decides they have the right to talk to God like Job did, they should check out these passages to find out if they "qualify" for that sort of talk.

- Lord, help me to remember that compared to You and Your infinite glory, I'm nothing. The only thing that makes me worth anything is You working in and through me to complete Your work. Help me to learn the humility that I need from Job so that I don't have to learn it all on my own! -

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