Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 154: Job 8:1 - 11:9

Ok, well the biggest issue I see right now through these passages is the fact that Job has all of his anger focussed on the wrong subject. I think there are alot of people all over the world who handle their problems the exact same way. Sadly, as "holy" and "wise" as it sounds to say that God is in control of everything, the honest truth is that He isn't in control of everything. That doesn't mean that God is powerless or that He can't take control, but the truth is that we don't serve a God who just sits around controlling and playing with everything He created. We serve a God who gave us the wonderful gift of free will - the very same gift that allowed Adam and Eve to welcome Satan into the earth and take a little bit of control for himself. So my word of advice to you is to think twice before you start blaming God for all of your problems and remember that there are others in this world - namely yourself and Satan who are just as capable of screwing everything up.

- Father, help me to hold my tongue and try not to blame You whenever things go wrong. I know that there are some occasions when it just seems like the easiest solution is to blame You and get mad at You, but help me to know that all of You promises are yes and amen so if I'm getting an answer contrary to that, maybe I'm listening to the wrong voice. -

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