Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 157: Job 18:21 - 21:17

I have to say that the initial comments that Job's friends made against him made me almost feel sorry for him, but now I'm starting to feel a little differently. It's understandable that people would come to him and say the kinds of things they did to him, but there came a point when rather than walk away from his attackers, Job decided to combat their petty opinions with his own petty opinions. I think that this is a very common mistake than so many Christians make when dealing with someone who thinks they know the answer. Our job is not to defend ourselves or our religion with opinions and intellect. Our job is to rely solely on our Father in Heaven and His Word to not only defend us, but propel us to new heights out of the pain and suffering down below. We must always remember that God operates on a much higher level than our simple human intellects and so to defend Him using our intellect is like defending a tank with a toothpick - if we will just get out of the way, God can take care of Himself.

 - Father, help me to rely on You to get me out of these situations rather than think that I could out-think or out-smart the opposition. Help me to remember that the solutions don't come from winning an argument or proving a point, they come from having faith in You Word. -

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