Friday, January 9, 2009

Day 146: Neh 3:32 - 7:15

I just love chapter 4 of Nehemiah because it's a wonderful picture of how each and every one of us should handle our own Christian walk. In chapter 4, Nehemiah commands everyone working on the wall of Jerusalem to carry their tools in one hand and a weapon in the other. Whether it was a hammer and a sword, or a shovel and a spear, every worker was not only armed with the proper tools to help him get his job done, he was also armed with the proper weapon to take care of anyone who would try to hinder his progress. There are alot of people who live their lives in the ministry thinking that since they're doing God's work, nobody will ever cross them and life will be all gumdrops and kittens. Sadly, those are usually the same people who end up working a dead-end, pointless job only years later wondering what ever happened to their ministry and blaming God for every bit of failure. The truth is, if you're brave enough to get up there and build that wall, you better be expecting some pretty heavy opposition from the enemy because they're not gonna wait until you're out on the battle field dressed head-to-toe in armor. The "battlefield" has always been and will always be the place that God has called you to whether you're ready or not.

- Lord, help me to always work with a sword in one hand and a hammer in the other. Help me to not be afraid to stand up and fight when all I'm supposed to be doing is sitting back and building the wall. Help me to always be prepared so that when the enemy comes to sneak up on me, the only one to be surprised will be him. -

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