Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 140: 2 Chr 30:14 - 33:24

You know, I guess maybe Im just an idealist because I love reading the stories about the kings who loved God and worshiped God and didn't have to deal with the pain and frustration that the others dealt with. I love this story of Hezekiah, and I especially love the part towards the middle about the Assyrian king Sennacherib coming to take over Judah. It seems like in most of these stories of the kings of Judah, there's some sort of paradox where bad things are happening to good people for a good reason or good things are happening to bad people for a bad reason, but in this story, it's very simple and easy to understand what exactly was happening. Hezekiah and the people of Judah were being righteous and faithful to God, Assyria showed to up to insult God and destroy the nation, Judah prayed and asked God for help, and God completely destroyed the Assyrian army! You know, it really doesn't get any more cut-and-dry than that! As long as we're faithfully serving the Lord our God, when the devil sends our enemies to attack, all we have to do is faithfully ask and believe and God will pick us up and take care of our enemies for us!

- Father, thank You for being such a faithful God. It's easy sometimes to be intimidated or think that You're too busy to take care of my problems, but help me to remember that You love me and as long as I will humble myself and look towards You, there's nothing in this world that You would rather do than deliver me! -

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