Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 155: Job 11:10 - 14:21

I know that Job isn't really anywhere near getting everything straightened out at this point because I'm familiar with the premise of the book and we're not even half-way through it yet. But I do know that it looks like Job is starting to head in the right direction. Two things jumped out at me in this passage. First of all, Job finally came to the point where he didn't care one bit about what his "friends" were saying and he realized that even though they called themselves his friends, they were only concerned about themselves. Secondly, Job finally addressed God directly rather than just griping about Him in the third person. Although God is omnipresent and will always know what we're saying or even thinking, it seems to be very human for someone to think that there's a difference between talking bad about God and saying the exact same thing to His face. I'm glad to see that Job finally decided to stop griping about God "behind His back" and deal with Him face-to-face. Although Job is a long way from the end, he is at least starting to find his way towards it.

- Lord, help me to remember to look towards You when I'm down rather than just griping and complaining about You being a big mean bully whose out to get me. I know right now it's easy to think that Job is just being a big sissy, but I know myself and I know that things can turn south pretty quickly, but I know that You will always be there ready to help when I turn to You and ask. -

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